A shoulder replacement?!?! Aren’t I too young for that?!
So. Here I am a couple days after surgery. I got to come home yesterday and unfortunately the nerve block continues to wear off more so there’s definitely some pain.(And a lot of really squishy swelling 🙈) The nerve block/pain pump will come out tonight....so we will see what it feels like then!This was something that was a really hard decision to do. Being 37, still having athletic goals, and hearing you need a partial shoulder replacement is shocking. I actually handled it very poorly when I was first told by the doctor (lots of sobbing 😭) , but as time went on and I did a lot of research I decided it was probably what was best for me. She (Dr. Julie Bishop) also says I have zero restrictions so I can get back to anything I feel good about doing, so I guess we’ll see what happens with that! For now my focus is on resting and healing and keeping my wrist and elbow moving the best I can until I can move my shoulder more.I was initially told there wouldn’t be any pics of the surgery since it wasn’t a scope....but Dr. Bishop had one taken of my humeral head, thinking it would be good to see how bad it looked so I didn’t question my decision. It was a great idea! Seeing it definitely quieted my mind. I do think it was the best decision for me! I’ll keep some updates coming....Here are some pics - I am including the open shoulder.... so... if you don’t like stuff like that stop scrolling!!!!!!!!! 😉
Update: one week out!Overall pretty good! Some pain. Dressings off!
Update! 10/15 almost 2 weeks post-op...First MD follow-up & everything is going well. Changed the steri strips & saw the incision! Will start PT in 2 days! Still 4 more weeks of sling & no active shoulder motion. 😜 Luckily not too much pain!