6 months out!

Wow!!!  6 months since surgery!   

So the doctor had said 1 year to know what my final(ish) outcome would be, especially motion wise….so now we are halfway there!

I have started adding in lots of exercises this past month, with the thought that maybe if I increased strength in the more overhead motions, that it could improve my motion.  Some of it does not feel good...and I have definitely questioned if some of that discomfort is good to work into….but I also do think my motion is improving! Some days are better than others...but I think the good days my arm is moving further!  I have been doing some partial weight bearing hanging (so with my feet still down) trying to work on getting my arm to stretch as well as working on some scapular strengthening in that position. I also do some push-ups in workouts (now that is not new...but doing them at higher rep is) and dumbbell strict press.  Nice to add a couple things in. I still have mostly worked out at home. I think mentally that is best for me… move at my pace and leaves less comparison ( mostly comparison to my old self).

I am able to use my arm better with work….with most patients I can use that right arm now to do manual muscle testing...but occasionally I feel like that arm is not quite strong enough with stronger patients.  Also...this seems small….but I can put out exercise balls up on the rack MUCH more easily! So although small….is extremely helpful in feeling a little more normal! With coaching my CrossFit and gymnastics classes that is still far from normal...lots of things I still don’t demo….or demo well! Haha

Also….I walked my dogs!   I had been doing some small walks where I usually held Zoey in my right arm...but she is a good leash dog….I had been nervous to hold onto Wade also.  He just gets very excited sometimes & even though I would hold him with my left arm it still made me very nervous that something would happen. But it was totally fine!  That first walk Keith went with us...but I have walked them just me a few times since!

The mental part is still a struggle (will it ever not be?  hmmmmmm! Especially as I have started to feel more “normal” overall...the sadness still creeps in!  Most of that is about just not feeling as strong or fit as I was. I have a good mindset about it for the most part I think….I know that is just where I am now.  I gave myself time off (which I think was necessary) and am NOT the same as I was! So sometimes I see something small and cry….but I get over it….focus on all the good stuff I have going on….and keep pushing along!

Current shoulder motion


7 months out!


5 months out!