5 months out!

So- I am super late doing this one. I think being back to "normal" life- full working mostly- just leaves less time for this...but my goal is to give monthly updates through the whole year...so here it is!

5 months, kind of feels like its flown by, kind of feels like forever! If I had job where I only typed on a computer, or talked on the phone, or posted on social media, or shopped (now I think I am just wishing) I don't think that my shoulder would be a daily thought....but that is not my life. I work as a physical therapist in a sports med clinic with kids/teens half the time and out of Friendship CrossFit the other half teaching a few classes, my gymnastics club, then ordering retail, and doing social media (so those last 2 things are not effected at all!)...but every single day there is something I want to show or do that I either can not at all or can not very well. FRUSTRATING! The mental part of all this continues to be the hardest thing. I just don't know exactly where I will be, what will I be able to do long term, will I always feel just a little less than normal me?

So what CAN I do?! Well, if you follow me on social media I did a push-up! really I did 7 that first day, and it was pretty easy. I was excited! Excited I could do it and didn't feel ridiculously weak. So...I am definitely getting stronger....it's that damn motion! I have days (few of them) where I feel like "Wow! I think it's moving really well today!"....but probably 90% of the time its just meh. Horrible? No. Honestly most of the time it is probably just a little better than before surgery. Maybe I have said this before...but the doctor said a year...a full year before we would know where my motion would get to. SO...I am party hopeful and party realistic. Had I not had the shoulder surgery 2 summers ago that I never got all the way better from....I would be 100% (well probably like 95%) positive that I would get there. But I just don't think I can have that hope again and be disappointed....so I work hard at. it and tell myself probably everyday I still have 7 months...but I also know that nothing is guaranteed.

I do most of my workouts at home still. Keith got me a cambered bar for Valentine's Day, which allowed me to back squat without having to get my hands to the bar, so that has been good to use some. Still mostly body weight with some dumbbells...some weeks super consistent, and some not as consistent. I do more stuff with my right arm...but still not a ton. I have tried to do some "hanging" kind of. Feet still on the ground so that I am not truly hanging, but getting my hands on a bar so that I can 1. use that to stretch some and 2. work a little bit of that scapular control. I also have tried to use a PVC overhead...and it feels like I can get into a pretty good/normal position- then I look in a mirror or video and it is NOT normal! My proprioception is just all messed up and doesn't really know what to feel. So I could just do it and feel good and never look at it....but again....I like to be realistic.

Daily life is pretty normal. I actually feel like I had a couple weeks where it was hurting some again. That was annoying. Maybe its just random, maybe it needs a little more rest? Not totally sure. It was especially noticeable with washing dishes.... random! But I would guess it might hurt from time to time....a fair amount of stuff was done in there!

I think that is about it for the month! Going into 6 months next time I write!!!!! 1/2 way to that year!

Here I am feeling like my 2 arms look the same 🙈


6 months out!


4 Months Out!