To Post or Not To Post....

So I do this workout the other day… I have on a new KFT Brands outfit that I love and it’s nice and sunny out in Columbus and think “oh, I’ll get a little video of my workout to post!”  ….. Then I look back at it and think…”oh, I do not look good, really...kind of fat!”. Man...that sucks, right?!Let me start by saying I have had VERY few times in my life I have felt that way.  I think I have pretty good self esteem...and for the most part have been in good shape the majority of my life.   I will say that I saw a picture of myself holding my friend Beth’s son like 6 years ago...and HATED my arm in it….so…. that helped me completely switch up my diet and pretty much change my life by starting at Friendship CrossFit.  So- I guess that one pic really did something!This time is a little different.  I have been a competitive CrossFitter and Olympic weightlifter for a handful of years now.  I enjoyed taking pics and posting on my IG to hopefully help influence people as well as show off my hard work and things I am proud of.  I had grown an ok following...mostly because of my fitness endeavors….Well since my shoulder surgery last July I have seen a huge drop off in my IG….which has been a strange feeling.  I could have talked about the shoulder surgery everyday (which by now would get very old since I have had a less than ideal recovery)...but that didn’t feel right to me.  As I began to post more normal life (dogs, shopping, food, etc) - I saw my follower numbers drop. I totally get it! A good number of the people following me were there to see big lifts and fun gymnastics...and if I couldn’t do that….why would they want to see me?  So that led me to lots if thinking of what I want my account to show….and the answer to that is….ME! I want people to see really what I like and do….and yes, fitness is a large part of that….but what happens if it can’t be? I don’t want my life to feel like it’s less if I can’t ever get this shoulder back to 100% & can’t be a competitive exerciser anymore!   Also, since my shoulder surgery I have not worked out as hard as I was for 5 years and was far more relaxed with eating, not eating terrible, just not being strict like I had for a long time…..hence the thinking I did not look very a little of topic there….back to my cute KFT brands outfit….So...what do I do?   I look at the videos a few times….and decide… I wanna support my friend (Allison from KFT) and it’s just where I am now….so I accept it, still be proud of myself for working out, and still support my friend.  Social media is such a funny thing!  I do NOT want to be one of those people who posts only sunshine and flowers and makes my life seem perfect.  It totaly is not. I am a real person….so I decided that is what I should be showing!  So...if you follow me....hopefully you like seeing all the things that make me me.  Also, hopefully sometime that is a lot of fitness again :)


Buying a Fixer Upper


Me vs. Me