8 months out!

So if you read last months update, I felt like I had really gained motivation, mostly with working out....well this month that was harder 🙈! When I was training to compete, sure I had days I did not feel like working out...but that end goal was always enough to get me going. I guess right now my end goal is just feeling good and liking how I look better...but sometimes that just doesn't seem to be enough! Have I still worked out...yes! Have I don't it as much, ummmm no. My goal has been 5 days/week...I'm probably more at like 3ish. I did jump in to be partners with a newer friend at Friendship during our Memorial Day hero workout, The Unknowns. I hadn't planned on doing it...but I think jumping in last minute was zero pressure & I even tried a few things I haven't really done like walls balls and really light power snatches!

I still can not really get into a front rack or good back rack...just keep working that external rotation motion to get there! I also have difficulty with extension....I have started trying to do some stabilizing with my arm behind me (like to work a reverse plank or bench dips)...but it is definitely uncomfortable so will take time and more work!

I will say that I have continued to challenge my shoulder...really trying to work some overhead holds & get stronger in those end ranges of motion. Yesterday, on the exact 8 month mark since surgery, I decided it was time to try a handstand. It's CRAZY how scary stuff can be. A mix of will it hurt? & what if I can't do it? ...... but I had my husband spot me some...help me shift weight onto that arm....& did it. There may have been some tears involved...and yes it did hurt some, but good that I did it and I feel like another step to feeling more like me! 🙌🏻

I do think part of the not working out quite as much (yes some is just motivation) is being just busier than I have been. I had these 3 months after surgery where I wasn't really working...so much time! Then as I got back into everything its just picked up more and more....so I feel like I just have less time! Especially since I am trying to do more stuff on my own (shirts, beauty counter, more blogging!) Now that is 100% an excuse...and I know its 100% about priorities...but its just part of the challenge. I know I always do best with a structured plan....and with wanting more independent work time .... I have to plan it. I tend to be the most productive in the morning...right away...which is why when I was competing I typically worked out first thing....well now I seem to do best doing my work I need to get done at home right away....so just need to set a little schedule for myself. That is my June goal! Better structured time, 5 days of working out/week...but still put time into my other projects....like more blogging...not just about my shoulder!

This past month or so I have gotten so many great messages from people either in a similar injury position or just generally sending sweet comments about appreciating me sharing my story! That all really means a lot....so thank you to each of you who pays attention, reads my stuff, sends message, and just generally supports me. ❤️


Flawless in Five: What do you get, what I use, & why it's great!


One Year of Renovating