9 months out!

So my goal when I had my shoulder surgery last October was to give updates monthly to 1. help other people who might be going through similar situations and 2. to help me be able to reflect on improvements! I will say now...most things are about the same, so I even though "should I even do a 9 month blog post?!" Buuuut I decided yes...even if its not full of excitement- I wanted to keep it up for the year like I planned!

Also, because yesterday was officially 9 months I thought I needed to try something new! At 8 months was when I decided I needed to try a handstand...so if I can try to add 1 new thing each month up to that year mark, I think that will be good! So today I did my morning work out in the garage. Decided to do some handstand work (which still is not perfect) and work pull-ups (banded). Then I thought maybe I could snatch. I have done PVC work and some overhead holds. I also last month did some light power snatches during our Memorial Day work out...but no full snatching or really weighted overhead squatting. (come think think of it maybe I should have set my sights on just some overhead squatting... 🤔). Anyways, I did some PVC warm-up stuff, then empty bar, then thought I could try some 55# full snatches! So I did! I did 5 total..the first one was scary...like lots of these new movements have been, but really it felt pretty good...and I was proud of myself...which I will say is progress. I have struggled with comparison to pre-shoulder surgery Jenny, trouble finding joy in small accomplishments because they were so far from where I was. Being proud of a 55# snatch is good... I have worked hard to get my shoulder mobile and strong enough to do that...and honestly I wasn't sure I would do it again. There may have been some watery eyes....(but like good watery eyes 😉)

My first snatch!

As far at other stuff- I feel like really the mental part is where most of the healing is still coming. Yes physically my shoulder should keep getting stronger and I hope to continue to share these little success stories with you (like maybe one day being able to do a front or back rack again! Still not quite enough motion)....but figuring out all the other stuff is still a work in progress! I have mentioned before that figuring out exercise and eating just for general health and not competition has been HARD!!!! It was always easy for me to eat a certain way or get consistent workouts in when I had a goal of making regionals or a weightlifting meet...I had 5 years of consistently doing that! Then really was pretty good after my first shoulder surgery...until I realized I was going to have to have something else done...that is where the motivation went way down! Now..I do work out- some weeks I am great, 5 days of good workouts...some weeks more like 2. Food...I overall eat healthy, but not as carefully as I once did - plus I am definitely and eat when stressed - and honestly all this has felt a little stressful! But...I am getting there! Feeling better about exercise and more motivated. I feel like I also have done a great job lately of starting to work on other things! I am doing a little graphic T business as well as stated working with Beautycounter...both which I enjoy and gives me something to set some goals with! I think that is the biggest thing...I am a huge believer that everyone needs to have some goals....and for a little while I was fairly goalless- at least outside of getting my arm to move better!

Well....there it is ..... 9 months! Is there other stuff you would like to know about this shoulder and this process?! Comments always welcome!

Here is the video of my first snatch. Lots of thinking going on before!


10 months out!


Flawless in Five: What do you get, what I use, & why it's great!