1 Month out!
So today I am 1 month post partial shoulder replacement! There are a couple reasons I want to keep writing about this....1. I think its good for me, good to reflect and honestly share my feelings about the process. and 2. when I was told I needed to do this I searched for any info about someone my age that had done this, and found very little! Maybe its not common, but I hope that if anyone is going through the same thing, they can at least learn about my experience!I fully expected this to be really awful, like terrible pain...and it really hasn't been! Yes, it hurts, but nothing terrible! I still spend most of my time in my sling and not allowed to do any active shoulder motion...so I am pretty limited, but not in terrible pain. I would say the worst part is the sleep (or lack of sleep)! Just hard to get comfortable in the sling! I sleep on the couch so that I can be more supported and not roll over! And I have a cute big brown down that stays with me all night! The 2nd worst part is not being able to do anything with my hair myself! I have this super tangly hair and an extremely sensitive scalp....so having other people wash and brush it is not the most fun. It's also very frustrating to just not be able to do it...always ask for help putting it up...and having no real control over how it looks. A huge deal no...but getting old!I have had 3 therapy sessions now, mostly light passive motion. This past week I was allowed to move a little further (first 4 weeks 90 deg flexion & 45 deg ER, but as of a few days ago 140 deg flexion & 60 deg ER, both of which I can not get to yet!). I was able to get 110 deg flexion and 41 deg external rotation at 4 weeks out. I also started light shoulder isometrics, so the first time those muscles really got to work!I still have tons of help (you already heard about the hair) with lots of things. Am very thankful to my husband and mom who have spent a good deal of time here with me, but also a group of great friends who have been so wonderful! Definitely something that teaches you more about your friendships...and how asking for help is ok! and people (for the most part) are happy to do it!A couple questions I get a lot....1. are you going crazy being bored? 2. what are you doing for exercise?Well...I'd say I really have not been that bored! It wasn't really until this week that I actually even really had any alone time. That was probably more annoying than being bored! HA! Alone time is important...but then frustrating when you are alone and your pony tail falls out or need some food and have none prepared. So maybe now that I do not have people here constantly I will get bored...but I think that might be good? I also make sure I leave the house everyday, even for a short trip. I do notice when I go out and do more I get more sore and actually have more trouble sleeping (I was hoping for the opposite...do more, get tired, sleep better...but nope!)The 2nd question. Working out. About a week out I felt like I wanted to move some, so started doing some REALLY light stuff! Airsquats, step-ups (on my couch some), lunges, light core, and some stationary bike. I haven't had much motivation to really work out hard, so I don't, and I actually think I shouldn't! I am supposed to be careful and let my body heal. Resting is ok. It's something I see over and over on social media and from friends - people with injuries and surgeries pushing it with as much as they can as soon as they can. Resting is OK!!!! Should you be super lazy and never move? No! but should you feel like you need to come up with everything you can to still feel like you got in crazy workouts? No! Be kind to yourself. Let yourself heal. Spend time with other things you love! Grow yourself in other ways! It's all a process- and sometimes a hard one!Interested in more? Read about earlier progress (with surgical pics) here: https://jennyborda.com/2018/10/04/a-shoulder-replacement-arent-i-too-young-for-that/Some of my process leading up to surgery: https://jennyborda.com/2018/10/02/rebuilding-borda/
My snuggle buddy Wade in our sleeping spot
Current motion in flexion
Current status of the incision. All steri strips off